Ride Managers:
Do you need a web page?

Every year, I volunteer to create and host a limited number of web pages for endurance rides. It’s my way of giving back to the community and promoting the sport. Benefits for you, as a ride manager, include:

1. No learning curve. Just email me your info or ride flyer. I’ll create a page that’s optimized for desktop and mobile.

2. No annoying ads like all those free web-building sites.

3. Better SEOAs part of a larger, older site, your ride will be found more easily in internet search results.

Free Web Page FAQs

Q. Are they really free? 

A. Yes. If you want to pay it forward, I encourage you to give away or discount a ride entry for a junior, green bean, or hard-luck-day rider. Let me know about the giveaway and I’ll mail you some swag to include.

Q. Do you handle entries? 

A. No. I’ve looked into it, but for now it works best for ride managers to handle their own entries. If you’re offering online entries, I’m happy to include the link on your page.

Q. What about updates or changes? 

A. Easy! Just send me an email with the new information. Whenever possible, give me some lead time in case I’m off the grid.