I’m an endurance rider with a little farm on a hilltop in Idaho. I share it with four Arabians, a handful of cats, my husband, some chickens, and a geriatric chihuahua. I’m creeping up on 50, short, and as genetically average as it’s possible to be.
I’m also persistent. I trail run, strength train, ride, write, and absorb as much knowledge as my brain and heart can hold. My particular focus is on the athletic partnership between us distance riders and our horses.
For too many years, I’ve watched my fellow endurance riders struggle with pain and mobility issues. We all face age-related decline, and many of us feel the legacy of past injuries as well. That’s why The Sweaty Equestrian focuses on helping distance riders achieve optimal performance despite these challenges.
As a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, with degrees in education and writing, I’m always on the lookout for ways to support my fellow equestrians in maintaining or regaining the fitness they need to be full partners for their distance horses.
I read all messages personally, so please don’t hesitate to email me at tamara@thesweatyequestrian.com. Hearing from you would make my day.
~ Tamara Baysinger (AERC #M38090)


A Knight’s Tale “Ledger” is a 2014 purebred Arabian. He’s mostly Egyptian with a smattering of CMK, and comes from a private breeder in Oregon. He was well started under saddle when I bought him in 2020, and is presently early in his endurance career. We’re presently dealing with some back and tendon issues before resuming competition.

TR Bellalunaa “Bella” is a 2015 purebred Arabian with heavily Russian lines. Bred by Taylor Ranch in Utah, she was purchased as a weanling and spent her first six years of life mostly unhandled. I bought her with very little training in 2021. She’s now going nicely under saddle and I’m looking forward to breeding her to a proven 100-mile stallion in 2024.


HHR Jammazon “Jammer” is a 2005 purebred Arabian with CMK lines. I bought him as a seven-year-old and we enjoyed several, stellar endurance seasons before headshaking syndrome forced his early retirement. He’s now a beloved trail companion exploring the possibility of a twilight occupation back on the endurance trail.

Rosies Atlas is owned by my great friend Layne Lewis (aka Sister Sweaty), who has privileged me with the opportunity to campaign him as a hundred-mile endurance horse. He carried me all the way to the finish at Tevis 2024.
Bam Bam
Bam Bam is my constant companion. She reads every blog post before you do, coaches me in the gym, and purrs me to sleep at night. She is the best cat in the history of cats.


Mahalo was living in a public restroom at a remote beach on Kauai when she crawled into my arms and heart, so I found a way to fly her home at the end of our vacation. She now lives in luxury with all the food, toys, and snuggles a kitty could want.