trail riding gear endurance rider running vest
6 Reasons I Trail Ride in a Running Vest
The right trail riding gear can make or break the safety and comfort of your ride. Here are 6 reasons I trail ride in a running vest. Hint: It's not enough to just keep your phone handy.
horse riding confidence an equestrian's journey through fear
Yea, Though I Walk: An Equestrian's Journey Through Fear
Most equestrians have, at some point, struggled with fear. This is the story of a terrible fall that shook me to the core and how I regained my horse riding confidence.
rider fitness reduced back pain TVA
Rider Fitness: Are You Ready to Ride Better with Less Back Pain? Meet Your TVA.
What if there was a single muscle that could make you a more secure rider and reduce back pain during hours in the saddle? There is! For rider fitness, the transversus abdominis plays a special role as...
Why I almost quit endurance riding
Why I Almost Quit Endurance Riding (But Didn't)
After succeeding in endurance riding early on, I hit a 7-year wall of failure. I never gave up the idea that I’d ever ride endurance again ~ but I did give up the idea that of course I would. I let myself...
Fit to Continue
Fit To Continue: A Poem for Endurance Riders Grieving the Loss of a Horse
Bittersweet tears. This poem about losing a horse is especially for equestrian endurance riders whose partners have gone down the trail without them.
couple petting horse across fence
What to Do if Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Riding Goals
I suspect endurance riding is more likely than the average sport to cause resentment on the home front. It represents a massive investment of time, money, and energy. Your partner may struggle to understand...
western horse rider in dramatic backlight
The Clinton Anderson Downunder Horsemanship Method: Good, Bad, or "It Depends?"
The horse world loves to love Clinton Anderson, and it loves to hate him more. But this post isn't about his personality. It's about his training method.
female athlete doing lunges
5 Reasons Equestrian Athletes Should Use Professional Fitness Programs
Although it’s tempting to go it alone, there are compelling reasons for equestrian athletes to implement fitness programs that were designed by professionals.