The Athletic Rider
I didn’t consider myself an athlete until I was nearly thirty…and even then, I questioned my qualifications. What makes an equestrian an athlete?
I didn’t consider myself an athlete until I was nearly thirty…and even then, I questioned my qualifications. What makes an equestrian an athlete?
Earlier this afternoon, Stacy Westfall offered a webinar that resonated with my own preoccupation of the month: Setting Goals and Overcoming Obstacles. I glean nuggets from Stacy every time I hear her talk, so I jumped at the chance to attend. Here are my notes: Stacy started out with the obvious question and answer: Why …
Seminar Notes: Stacy Westfall on Setting Goals and Overcoming Obstacles Read More »
Alrighty, then. Having survived Day 1, Ledger and I donned our tights and tack for Saturday’s LD. I’d made a tentative plan to ride with friends from the day before ~ the ones with the young Arab and the adorable mule ~ having first extracted a promise that they wouldn’t wait around for me if …
Friday, September 3, 2021. In the forest near Centerville, Idaho. Early. Breakfast goes down on a queasy stomach. I slept some, between long bouts of tossing and turning. I’m not super nervous ~ Ledger has good training, I know these trails, and we’re only going 25 miles ~ but first rides are first rides, and …
A Knight’s Tale: Ledger’s First Ride at Old Selam Read More »
I have a new horse! Meet A Knight’s Tale, affectionately known as Ledger. (You’ve seen the movie, right?) I found him in southwest Oregon, having been nicely started by an owner who didn’t quite have the time to meet his demands for a high-energy job. He’s seven years old, 15.2 hh, kind, and a little …
What makes a great endurance horse, and how do you get one? Here are my notes from high-mileage endurance rider Nick Warhol’s presentation on the subject.
Endurance rider and vet Dr. Melissa Ribley shares strategies for successfully competing in different regions, including being prepared for all types of climate and terrain.
Electrolyte balance is key to success in equestrian endurance riding. At the 2021 AERC convention, Dr. Langdon Fielding spoke on electrolyte problems in the endurance horse. Here are my notes.
I paid less than $400 for Aaruba. His breeder wanted quiet Arabians, and Aaruba wasn’t. No, Aaruba was the plain gray, high-headed, wide-eyed, last straw that sent his sire to the vet for gelding. I first saw him on the kind of windy, muddy day that whipped his mind to wildness. Still a leggy four-year-old, he flashed about the makeshift …
Endurance riders often encounter frigid, wet conditions. These stirrup covers are designed to fit over caged platform stirrups, providing protection from the elements.