Endurance How-To & FAQ

High fat diet for endurance horse

Endurance Horse Nutrition: Calculating the Ideal 2-Cup Fat Diet for Peak Performance

At the recent Pacific Northwest Endurance Rides annual convention, I had the privilege of listening to Dr. Susan Garlinghouse’s series of three talks on endurance horse hydration and nutrition. Although I’ve heard these lectures before, there’s always something to learn or remember! This time around, Atlas’ owner Layne and I sat in the back, scribbling …

Endurance Horse Nutrition: Calculating the Ideal 2-Cup Fat Diet for Peak Performance Read More »

Gear for Tevis endurance ride

A Window Into Tevis Prep

Preparing for Tevis is just like preparing for any other endurance ride.

Okay, it’s not.

Okay, it is…but it isn’t.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to get ready for Tevis, here’s a window into the process.

Heat acclimation for equestrian endurance riders

Heat Acclimation for Equestrian Endurance Riders

Heat acclimation is a tool used by all kinds of athletes to improve their ability to perform in hot and/or humid conditions. Endurance riders can benefit from it as well. Here’s what you need to know.

alpine runner endurance rider fitness

Endurance Rider Fitness for the Western States 100 Mile Trail Ride

There isn’t a world in which riding Tevis will be easy. However, there absolutely are ways I can prepare my body and mind for the challenge. In following along, you’ll pick up some strategies you can apply to your own endurance riding readiness. Even if you’re starting at a different level or shooting for a different endurance riding goal, the concepts still apply.