Rider Fitness

Sore muscles in equestrian endurance horse riders

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in Equestrian Endurance Riders: Why Riders Get Sore and How We Can Manage It

For about a year now, I’ve been conducting an unofficial toll of endurance riders. When asked what kind of pain troubles them most, the majority cite muscle soreness. (Joint pain comes in second, followed by exacerbation of chronic injuries or medical conditions.) There was a time when I could ride 100 miles and get sore, …

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in Equestrian Endurance Riders: Why Riders Get Sore and How We Can Manage It Read More »

Heat acclimation for equestrian endurance riders

Heat Acclimation for Equestrian Endurance Riders

Heat acclimation is a tool used by all kinds of athletes to improve their ability to perform in hot and/or humid conditions. Endurance riders can benefit from it as well. Here’s what you need to know.

endurance horse and rider

Happy Brain, Happy Gut, Happy Rider

Like other athletes, equestrian endurance riders can intentionally prepare our brains and guts to handle the rigors of miles on the trail. Running coach Greg McMillan shares how.

rider wellness for pain-free endurance riding

Rider Wellness for Strong, Pain-Free Riding

Equestrian athletes are unique in that we routinely ask other beings to perform while bearing our weight – weaknesses, imbalances, and all. The practice of fitness impacts not only our health, but our horsemanship.