The Sweaty Equestrian Top Popular Posts
From horsemanship to horse stories, these are The Sweaty Equestrian readers’ favorite posts of all time.
From horsemanship to horse stories, these are The Sweaty Equestrian readers’ favorite posts of all time.
I didn’t consider myself an athlete until I was nearly thirty…and even then, I questioned my qualifications. What makes an equestrian an athlete?
Earlier this afternoon, Stacy Westfall offered a webinar that resonated with my own preoccupation of the month: Setting Goals and Overcoming Obstacles. I glean nuggets from Stacy every time I hear her talk, so I jumped at the chance to attend. Here are my notes: Stacy started out with the obvious question and answer: Why …
Seminar Notes: Stacy Westfall on Setting Goals and Overcoming Obstacles Read More »
Electrolyte balance is key to success in equestrian endurance riding. At the 2021 AERC convention, Dr. Langdon Fielding spoke on electrolyte problems in the endurance horse. Here are my notes.