My Fitness Journey

alpine runner endurance rider fitness

Endurance Rider Fitness for the Western States 100 Mile Trail Ride

There isn’t a world in which riding Tevis will be easy. However, there absolutely are ways I can prepare my body and mind for the challenge. In following along, you’ll pick up some strategies you can apply to your own endurance riding readiness. Even if you’re starting at a different level or shooting for a different endurance riding goal, the concepts still apply.

unmet goals

Oh, for the Love: The Direction of Unmet Goals

Raise your hand if you’ve ever set out to accomplish something, only to look back months later and realize that you’ve failed. Yeah, me too. But what if unmet goals just give us a longer journey to love?

Race Report: An Endurance Rider on the Run at Owyhee Off-Road Challenge 2023

My first half-marathon of the year is in the books! It didn’t go quite as smoothly as I’d hoped ~ but given the challenges, I’ll take it. I came away with a new appreciation for adjusting on the fly…and a reminder to apply to the season’s endurance rides. Last Saturday at my house began with …

Race Report: An Endurance Rider on the Run at Owyhee Off-Road Challenge 2023 Read More »

horse statue with strong rider

The Athletic Rider

I didn’t consider myself an athlete until I was nearly thirty…and even then, I questioned my qualifications. What makes an equestrian an athlete?

How I Think About Food

In today’s cacophony of fitness and nutrition discourse, we’re all choosing who is worth listening to. This is especially true when it comes to bloggers like me, who are informed aficionados rather than trained experts. I am decidedly average in terms of athletic ability ~ and maybe a notch above as a home cook ~ …

How I Think About Food Read More »