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Try my favorite electrolytes and get a sample pack for FREE with any order! Yep, even if you just order another sample pack.

LMNT Electrolytes are the only electrolyte product that I’ve ever been able to tolerate on endurance rides. They’re flavored, but not sweet, which keeps my stomach happy over many miles of trotting. LMNT is a powder that comes in single-serve packets and dissolves easily in hot or cold water.

Here are some fun facts:

  • LMNT is pronounced “Element.”
  • LMNT contains more electrolytes than most other brands, but no sugar. It’s lightly sweetened with stevia. My favorite flavor is grapefruit, closely seconded by watermelon.
  • I drink LMNT almost every day, not just on endurance rides or after long runs. It supports my mental clarity and mood, as well as my athletic performance.
  • LMNT is tasty mixed in sparkling water. I like to mix water flavors with salt flavors for interesting combinations. (Mango raspberry, anyone?) Just be sure to add the salt sloooooowly, unless you like volcanoes.
  • Some flavors are good hot! I like the chocolate caramel instead of hot chocolate.
  • LMNT is not paying me ~ I’m just a fan ~ but they do send me some extra electrolytes when you use my referral link.
Seriously, you should give this stuff a try. If you’ve been struggling to find an electrolyte product that works for you, you can start with an inexpensive variety pack. Or, dive on in to a whole box. Either way, you’ll get the free sample pack. Enjoy!